Getting Around...

The Town Of New Shoreham is the official name of Block Island.  The island is about 8 miles long, north to south, and 3 miles wide east to west.  Paved roads circle and cross the southern half of the island and one runs to the north point and back.  Unpaved town roads and private lane ways provide access to many of the homes on the island and caution must be exercised when traveling on all of them.  With only two lanes and little or no passable shoulder to the roads extreme care and attention is required to navigate safely out here.  The speed limit on the main roads is 25 mph and on the unpaved surfaces it is 15 mph or less.  During the busy summer season hundreds of mopeds, bicycles and pedestrians compete for the roadways so driving slow and sharing the road is the mantra for all!

The beaches that surround the island can be accessed at several points.  There is a large parking area at the most popular bathing beach, Crescent Beach, on the east side of Corn Neck Road.  Other beaches are more rocky, may have rough surf at times, and are somewhat more difficult to walk to.



Surrounded by the sea.....

Surrounded by the sea.....